Thursday, January 6, 2011

there she was...

I have no idea what I am doing. I have no idea why I want to set myself up, potentially, to fail and suffer horrible heartbreak. All I know, for a fact, is that I was instantly, cosmically connected to a dog via a picture on the internet. I saw her on flickr.

A dog in terrible shape, lacking in fur, and located at the Philadelphia Animal Care & Control.

I later found out she was a senior, she didn't have demodex mange(which would have explained the hair loss), and has "mammary tumors".

She weighs 4 pounds. The shelter is calling her "Skinnie".

I know next to nothing about canine cancer. I do know, however, that where they are located is not good in terms of necessarily being benign. My friend Denise, who I met through rescue, who is also a vet(best friend to have for a rescuer) gave me a "50/50" term when I casually asked her about the chances of benign vs. malignant tumors 'down there'. In gambling terms, those are odds I'd definitely play. In cancer terms, I'd normally fold.

I am attempting to promise to myself that if the problems are fixable that she is adoptable. If they are not fixable, I will give as much hospice care and quality of life as is humane. Don't hold me to either of those statements.

What am I doing?

Right now, I'm reading the hell up on canine cancer. I'm going to keep this blog to chronicle our trials, triumphs, and failures. I'm going to use it as a back reference for myself about this whole process.

I'm picking her up on Sunday morning. I think I'll call her "Hope".


  1. Thank you for sharing this adventure...obviously Hope is lucky to have such an amazing rescuer in her life.

    I send, and will continue to send, every positive thought I have on to you guys. Good luck and good health <3

  2. Half her battle is already won, she found you.

