Monday, January 17, 2011

the 8th dwarf, sniffy.

I have said it before, but I will say it again - Hope has the best nose EVER. She can be sound asleep, suddenly sit up, sniff the air a few times, and then shoot like a rocket(well, bippitybop rocket) toward the kitchen. She is hysterical.

In other health news, Hope's fecal sample came back positive for whipworms. We are already treating her with Panacur so a couple rounds of that and she should be good. Her blood work had also come back last week - lots of white blood cells and low red blood cells - anemia. We suspected whipworms or cancer. Hopefully it is the one and not the other!

Hope has also been sneezing a lot. We're on day 8 post-shelter so the incubation of a respiratory bug is coming due. I am praying and pleading she doesn't get sick. She seems very off today, having to be coaxed to eat her food. She got a worried Mom thermometer up the butt, though(normal temp). She got a little fresh about that but I told her it was in her best interest. She begged to differ.

For my birthday(today) Hope let me medicate her all by myself. Yup, I held her AND gave her eye drops and oral meds. What a gem.

From earlier today, Dexter and Hope! Dexter had been laying on the couch and Hope snuggled up to him. Most excellent.
Our dogs are being super awesome with her - being gentle and respectful.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you can barely tell she's there! She almost looks like a fluffy part of Dexter's tail! So glad she's getting alon well!!!
