Sunday, January 9, 2011

not exactly as planned.

Today was the day! i scooped hope out of the PSPCA ACCT this morning. Special thanks to jill sweeney and natalie smith for helping facilitate all of it.

Hope - what can you say. so much worse than her pictures ever lead me to believe. Her nails are so long she has trouble walking, her eyes were crusted shut, her ears are full of yeast, her coat was mats, and to top it all of - a DANGLER of a tumor.

I didn't get many, if any, pictures of her in the shelter. Hope was not doing well there and was a little fresh to anyone trying to handle her. We'll take it slow for a few days and let her warm up.

A heartbreaking point of the trip was when she was in the front seat of my car - she rolled and pressed her face into the soft blanket I'd brought for her for at least 10 minutes of driving time. She then stopped, sat, looked up at me, and cried this mournful noise that made my heart hurt. I invited her into my lap with a pat and there she went, curled up in a ball, and slept for the rest of the ride content. She did not, however, want me to pet her. Small steps.

We have eye meds, antibiotics, and derm caps for her issues. It's only about half of what I know she truly needs. We'll schedule the appointment with the vet tomorrow at work.

A few pictures from today, all cellphone shots, sorry.


  1. Interesting blog. I would like to bring to your attention that driving in a car with your dog on your lap puts your dog at very high risk of injury or death in the event that your airbag is deployed. Dogs should be in crates in the car, and the safest place for them is in a crate, on the floor of the back seat, behind the driver's seat. Even in a minor collision, a dog as small as this one could be thrown forward and badly inured on the steering wheel or dashboard.

    Have fun with your new friend, and keep him safe when driving!

  2. Thank you, Sue. This dog has major handling issues and crating her would have put her in a higher state of panic than she already was.

    I normally keep all my dogs in the backseat for safety reasons. I made an exception for Hope. Now that we are bonding a little more, I will be crating her going to the vet!

    Thanks for your comment!
