Monday, January 10, 2011

houston, we have a dog!

Today was so much better than yesterday. Hope is really coming around and trusting us more and more.

She allowed me to clip more mats today from her fur. She still wasn't thrilled about the eye drops and the liquid medication but she argued less.

She seeks out our hands for petting and didn't snap(other than med time). Progress!

Tomorrow we have an appointment at the vet - to see both the general practitioner and the eye doctor just to make sure we have the correct meds to help heal those little peepers up quick!

My husband even slipped and said, "Aw, that's cute" about her sitting on a little tea towel for a piece of food. :)

Progress all around!


  1. I'm in love with her!! How old do you think she is?

  2. Hi Rose - check out the new post later today. It'll have all the details!
