Thursday, February 24, 2011

back to the vet.

Hope took a trip back to the vet today. She hadn't gone #2 since Tuesday and her incision started to look "weepy" in one spot. Sure enough, infection. We got some antibiotics and I traded out her giant cone of shame for a much easier to wear and deal with "Donut of Slight Embarassment"(DSE). She seems much more at ease.

While at the vet she also pooped! Yay. Chris says we can't keep taking her back to the vet to make her poop, so hopefully that doesn't become a trend(joke).

Here's hoping we're on the mend. We are still waiting to talk to Dr B as she is in Las Vegas at a conference.

1 comment:

  1. donut of slight embarrassment - lol! Oh Hope, stop making your momma worry <3
