Sunday, March 6, 2011

fitting in.

Hope is doing well here. We have realized she hates having a "big dog snout" in her face and will react, as well as her other aggression triggers. Thanks to that, we have hardly had any outbursts from her in a week! Chris's thumbs are intact.

We saw the doctor on Friday(Hi Dr B) for a recheck and to have her stitches removed. She was not happy about being touched by strangers but I held her, with her muzzle on, and forced some love on her while they did what they needed to do. She did pretty well, considering. We will continue to work on her being more comfortable there; even with her few short stays there she has improved each time.

And now - gratuitous photos proving she *does* like the dogs, but only on her own terms - which is okay by us.

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