Saturday, March 12, 2011

dun dun DUNNNNNNNNNN...bathtime!

Hope has had some weird "crust" around her eyes. I spoke to Dr Ringle, her eye-guy, earlier this week about the problem and he thought that it might be YEAST from her cyclosporine. Yuck. He told me to have Hope come in to see Dr B and check for yeast.

Guess what... it was yeast!!!!!! So, MORE meds - big surprise. We're giving her 1ml of Fluconazole once a day for 14 days. It smells like oranges; Hope wasn't impressed.

We're going to have to reconsider her cyclosporine also. It is currently oil based and we might have to move to water based.

You might notice in the picture of the meds the LAXATONE. Yes, that is the stuff they give cats for hairballs. In fact, the only instructions on the tube give CAT dosing. Ladies and gentleman, my DOG gets hairballs. Hope hacked up a hairball on our bed, at night, 3 nights this past week. For the first 2 nights I blamed the cats(sorry, cats) but on the 3rd I actually saw her do it. Yuck. The laxatone will hopefully help her "move it along". We're going to have to consider some OCD meds if this keeps up. The licking thing is getting old. Thankfully, she LIKES the taste of this so it was super easy to give her.

Hope also got the dreaded B-A-T-H today. The skin around her eyes, from the yeast, was super irritated with the water but we moved some of the crust out. Yes, she still has to wear her "mouth mitten".

She would have rather been 90 other places, obviously, than in the bath tub. I was super happy because this was her first real bath since the surgery. P-U.

After her spa treatment - complete with blow-dry at no charge - she looked like a little white cottonball. We can say that proudly now because, hey, she has fur and stuff finally.

We'll recheck next week to make sure the yeastie beasties are vacating. Say a little something I don't get the nightly hairball upchuck tonight.


  1. Her coat has come in so well! Looking good angry bird! ;-)

  2. "mouth mitten" -- Awwww, Hope, you're so loved <3
